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3 Ways a Retractable Enclosure Helps Your Business Grow


You want to see your business grow. Especially with Covid-19 refusing to leave us. Now, more than ever, you need a solution that will stimulate growth.

Have you considered making the most of your outdoor space? There is a way to use it all year round.

With a Retractable Enclosure, you can. Here are 3 ways a Retractable Enclosure could stimulate revenue growth in your business…

1. Attract (new) customers all year round and let your business grow

Having a Retractable Enclosure allows you to turn your outdoor space indoors in less than 2 minutes. It helps to create a true outdoor experience for your guests four seasons of the year. Your business no longer has an off-season.

You will attract customers or members all year round to your enclosed patio, restaurant, or swimming pool.

With commercial rents not getting any cheaper, this also is another way to business grow and optimize the use of your business premises. No more space lying empty during the colder months.

commercial retractable enclosure business grow commercial retractable enclosure

2. Preventing cancellations

Having a rainy day can ruin a planned event like a wedding, baby shower, or private party. For you, that means another cancellation and lost revenue. Or the chore of moving all the furniture and settings from outside to inside.

The Retractable Enclosure literally can save the day. In a few minutes, you will have a beautiful sheltered venue offering a truly outdoor experience and natural lighting.

commercial retractable enclosure commercial retractable enclosure

3. Energy efficiency and no maintenance

When the Retractable Enclosure is closed, the heat it absorbs from the greenhouse effect can be combined with supplementary heating to provide a comfortable space. That ‘free heat’ boost keeps your heating bills down.

The greenhouse effect is when a space gains heat faster than it loses it.

If needed, though, some side panels are designed to open and close with screens to allow for natural ventilation. You can open them when you need some fresh air to enter.

The result is the perfect compromise. Certain areas can have fresh air without the entire space being exposed to outdoor conditions.

None of the materials used in the construction of the Retractable Enclosure are affected by condensation, or by pool chemicals, should you use it to house a pool.

Virtually no maintenance should be required due to the quality and sustainability of each DynaDome Retractable Enclosure.

Closed Retractable Pool Enclosure Closed Retractable Pool Enclosure

To achieve all that you need a reliable partner. Choosing the best enclosure company is crucial for your business grow. If you want to use your space all year round, get a free estimate for your project!

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